November Pet Peeves

  1. People that continuously push the elevator button like it's going to make it come faster.
  2. Car Insurance Rates
  3. People That Are Hypocritical, Two-Faced, Wise-Asses, Stubborn, Conceited, Shallow, Self-Centered, Obnoxious, Rude, Self-Absorbed, Mean, Cold, Black-Hearted, Ignorant, Religious, Liars, Closed Minded, Back-Stabbers, Cheaters, & Users.
  4. Children's hand prints on the windows in car.
  5. Sick people who cough near you.
  6. Being the first one at any party & you came late.
  7. People who add the letter "e" before "ing" (Takeing)
  8. Big crusty Bottom Lips
  9. People who borrow stuff and never give it back. (that reminds me I need to return Gossip Girl)
  10. People that throw their doors wide open without first checking to make sure it is safe to do so.
  11. People that don't know the difference between "SOCIAL SECURITY" & "SOCIAL SERVICES"
  12. When you order food and when it is delivered, you have to microwave it.
  13. Family members who do not talk to you for years, but when they need or want something, act like nothing happened.
  14. Waitresses with dirty fingernails
  15. Grocery carts with one bad wheel so it's hard to push or it makes a funny sound.
  16. Braille signs at drive through windows (umm the blind person is not driving and if so….)
  17. Parking spots for "Compact Cars ONLY"
  18. People that Speak Before they Research
  19. Bathrooms with no Paper towels just hand dryers
  20. People who take ideas from other people without mentioning the source.
  21. Overbearing waitresses
  22. Flat Pillows
  23. People who Ignore or miss your Emails (I used a read receipt, I know you got it)
  24. When you post a comment in Facebook or twitter and you spot a typo and someone's commented before you've had time to deleted it, corrected it, and reposted it…
  25. Potholes & Manholes
  26. Moveable Speed Cameras
  27. Spam Emails
  28. People who copy your status messages on facebook and don't quote you.
  29. Jeans at a funeral
  30. People that Don't Forward & Share My Blog lol


  1. 3. I feel like you’ve experienced someone like this recently!
    4. – what about adult ones?
    6. -agreed
    12. hahaaha
    13. amen
    14. ewwwww or ANYONE
    15. YES!
    17. us compact cars love em!
    18. aka ignorance
    19. YES!
    20. Plagiarism?
    21.I’m sensing some hostile feelings towards waitresses this month
    23. HAHAHA
    24. I HATE THAT!
    28. YES!
    30. you know I’m the biggest forwarder ever!

  2. I agree with some of them especially #3 and the compact car I love it!!!!!

  3. I absolutely agree with the majority of this lol
