Monday Motivational

Knocked Down To Get UP!

Sometimes It Seems As Soon As We Take Or First Steps Towards Victory, We Get Attacked And Are Knocked Back Down Flat To The Point Where We Have No Clue How Can We Serve A God As Cruel As That. It Seems As He Never Wants Us To Get Ahead He Wants Us To Fail. BUT NOT SO….. Many Times When We Get On Our Feet It Is Because We Have Unnecessary Elements Attached To Us. The Those Elements Could Be Friends That Tell Us They Helped Us Get To Where We Are. It Could Be Our Pride That Says, I Struggled To Get To Where I Am, It Could Be Our Family, Or Attitude, Our Pride And/Or Our Arrogance. God Wants Us To Get To A Point That When We Stand Up On Our Own Two Feet, We Know That It’s Only Because Of Him And That He Has Our Back And Our Front And That We Only Made It Because Of Him!

So When Things Crumble Around Me I Have Learned To Holler, “Thank You God!” Because I Know He Is Shaking Of The Leech And Sometimes Those Leeches Literally Need To Be Knocked The “HELL OFF OF US!”

So I Implore To Count It All Joy! You Were Knock Down Because Something Great Is In Store And It’s Not For Everyone To Experience! Oh And Sometimes We May Have To Get Knocked Down Multiple Times Because We Get Knocked Down And Never Change Our Surroundings. So If You Keep Getting Hit, CHECK YOUR CORNER!

But In The End You Will Receive VICTORY & OVERFLOW!!!

Love ya!



This Morning, I Just Want To Say God Is A Faithful God. I Just Want To Encourage You To Be Not Weary In Well Doing Because In DUE SEASON, You Shall Reap If You Faint NOT....

Due Season Has To Come.... It Must Come.... But Sometimes, When It Happens You Might Not Realize It Right A Way But You Will Know A Change Happened.... For Example, In The Natural The Seasons Have Changed But We Still Waiting On A Date To Say That It’s Official... Just Trust God, Because Once You Prayed & Asked For It, It Was Released But It’s Up To Us To Make It Official Because Faith WITHOUT Works, Is DEAD!

I Know It For Me Trusting God Has Paid Off.... I Declared In January That I Would Be Walking In Increase And Overflow... Things Happened That Stopped Me From Living In The Mundane And Into Overflow.... The Bible Says, Beloved, Think It Not Strange Concerning The Fiery Trial, Which Is To Try You… But Rejoice, Inasmuch As Ye Are Partakers Of Christ's Sufferings; That, When His Glory Shall Be Revealed, Ye May Be Glad Also With Exceeding Joy.

So Hold On! It is Coming! I Hear The Abundance Of RAIN!!