When My Coworkers Try Out A New Look:

When My Manager Gives Me Work To Finish:
When People Get To Church Late & Want A Good Seat:

When I See Old Ladies Knees:

When People Ask Me How I Like Working For The Government:

When People Tell Me To Act Normal:

When Asked What My Favorite Food Is:

When I Dont Get A Good Morning Text:

When I Getting Ready To Go Out:

When Someone Keeps Talking & I Don't Care:

How The Saints Walk During Offering At A Concert:

When Your Uncle That Steals Comes Over:

When I'm Depressed:

When I Feel The Spirit Moving:

When I'm In The House Bored & Someone Text Me And Says Lets Go Out!

When someone says, “I will pay for you”:

If You Have EVER Seen Me Shout In Church You Will Understand This One:

When The Choir Sings My Favorite Song:

What I Do Mentally When I Have To Touch The Public Bathroom Door Handle:

Me During Whitney's Funeral:

When People Mis-Quote The Bible:

When Someone Has My Fone & They Start Looking At My Pictures:

Old People In Church:

When I'm In Training At Work:

The Face You Make When You Gotta Fart But Your Crush I s Standing Right There:

When People Tell Me Fix My Face:

When I Get Home From Work:

When I Hear People Say This, I Pray Its Real:

How Rude Children Should Be Treated:

How I Sing In The Car Since I Got Tints:

When You Have A Guest Speaker At Church:

When You Realize That That Drunk Text Didnt Send:

When I Have To Drive In The Rain:

If Only Magic Carpet Rides Really Happened

When I See A Bad Child In The Mall:

What I Want To Do To Nosey People:

A Maxi Dress on A Fat Woman
when you see someone wearing socks with sandals 

When It's 3 o'Clock & Your Manager Hands You Some Work:
when you come back from going to the bathroom and someone is in your seat

When People Want Me To Babysit on A Friday Night :

When I Get Out The Shower: