Letter To God

Dear God,

    As I Prepare To Embark On A Milestone Of My Life I Cannot Help But To Reflect On How Great You Have Been To Me. I Am Appreciative Of The Fact That You Chose Me. Out Of Millions Of People I Have Been Picked And All That Flows Out Of Me Is Gratefulness. I Am Truly Humbled. I Could Never Repay You For Being So Wonderful To Me. I Truly Owe You Me.

There Is Never Where Pride Sneaks In And I Feel As If Everything I Have I Got On My Own Merit. I Know It Was You Working In The Seams Of Time And Sending Your Hedge Of Protection To Cover Me. I Am Humble For Everything That I Have, Knowing That At Any Moment It Could Change And Be Gone. I Am Elated, On This Saturday I Turn 25 Years Old. I Have A Bachelors Degree, A Car, A Full Time Job Making Above 50k A Year. I Have Never Been Inside A Jail Cell, Drugs Have Not Been In My Veins Or Up My Nose. I Am HIV Free, Never Had An STD. I Have My Mental Stability. I Have People That Love Me Regardless Of How Crazy I Am.

God, I Am Truly Grateful. Even In My Darkest Times You've Been Great Friend. God I Even Think For All Of The Jerks In My Life, Every Downfall In My Life, Every Trial In My Life, Every Time The Door Was Shut In My Face. I Thank You For Every Messy Church Person, Every Gossiping Minister And Every Backstabbing Friend Because They Helped Me To Realize The Ability Of My Strength. They Helped Me To Understand & Realize That I Can Bend But Will Not Break, They Helped Me Realize That You Are The God Of Peace. Those Situations Showed Me That I Always Will Have You In My Corner And You'll Always Be My Friend. I Thank You For Your Faithfulness Towards Me.


Happy 25 birthday, golden with diamonds, vector illustration Stock Photo - 11860303So Thank you God For 300 Months Of Life, 1,304 Weeks Old Breath, 9,132 Days Of New Mercies, 13,149,988 Minutes Of Your Protection & 788,999,288+ Seconds Of Your Faithfulness.

Here is my Hand Wave of Praise:

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