Can I trust you with me?

Can I trust you (them) with me? This is a question that I now ask myself concerning people, because to many times I have ignored my discerning mind and went with my feelings and every time, I was mishandled. I never ask it out loud but I ask my heart and allow my eyes to give me the answer that I need.  I have learned over time that I am not ordinary, I have never been. Some people will never be able to handle different people. In asking this question, I hope to spare needless heartache, stress, pain, anger, hurt & hate.  My heart is fragile and held together with gum & paperclips, it can not take but some many more hits before it shuts dont and seals itself in stone. I am on a Mission to protect my heart as much as i attempt to protect other people.

I Mean Would You Give A Bemmer To Someone WithOUT a License?!?!?!?

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